
English lenguage challenges

Finally my last blog in this assignment, I have to say that I really like this course, regrettably I did not go to all my english classes, but the days I went, I had a great time with my mates and learning new and forgotten things. I like the use of the blog, for me it is better and more comfortable than U-cursos, I never or rarely made blogs in my life, so I could learn a lot with this modality. I need to improved a lot of things, between them my gramar, I still comet a lot of mistakes with the use of the past or future form, and improve my speaking, because I do not have problems with hearing a native person talking, I can understand what he or she is saying, but when I have to talk, it is difficult to me, maybe in the future I will go to a curse of english to solve these issues. These days I am using my english to help my sister with her school homework, she is doing the cfg exam, so she have to study. And I also see movies or series in english, and usually I like to hear englis...

A job you would like to do in the future (video 2)

https://youtu.be/nJPytCc3hVQ Miss apriete en "leer más", ahí le saldrá el link en color.

Changes to my study program

  Well, I am now cursing my second year in the Universidad de Chile, I am studying odontology, the faculty it I son the intersection betwenn Independencia and Olivos Street. I have to say that the infrastructure of my university is not how I imaginated, the rooms are tiny for the amount of students that we are, whether in the college or in the clinic. Also there are a variety of old things, that they could use a renovation, like the chairs, or sofas of the library, the mannequins of the pre clinic are too old, some friends told me that the water that they use in clinic is colour brown. So I thing that mainly the university have to try to change the infrastructure and technology of the faculty. The workload and lenght of studies I think that is excessive, the teachers teach us so many themes in a short period of time, that produce us stress and less desire to study, so it is another think that they have to change. Maybe pass us less themes in each subject to rest the mind. The t...

Time travel to the future

 That is a very good question because I am not always thinking about that, I prefer to keep waiting and enjoy my life. But if you ask me and I have to respond mandatorily I would like to travel maybe some years in the future, like Marty McFly did in back to the future II, only fifteen or twenty years, no more than that, and there I would like to see myself, how I grew up like a person, physically and psychologically, see if I finally get married with the love of my life, if I had children and well, obviously I would like to see how my family will be, their health, lifestyle, where they will live, know how my little sister will grow up, know if my middle sister will be the profesional she wants to be, see if my mom and dad are happy. I wouldn´t like to stay there, because like I said before, I want to live my life and enjoy it step by step and be surprised. 

My dream job

I always wanted to be a marine biologist to investigate more and be part of the knowledge of the life inside the ocean. The sea is a place that attracts me so much because the ocean is something that brings me different emotions, it causes me excitement, fear and mystery, because it is so big that we only know a small part of it. I would like to work outdoors, to be able to travel and be in so many oceans all over the world to discover different  species of plants and animals that live there, investigate more about them and be able to help marine life from human contamination. I wouldn´t like to work inside an office, instead I´d like to be inside the sea with a diving suit to watch all the wonders of the dephs. Now, I am studying a career to be a dentist, odontology it is the major for which I want to dedicate myself for the rest of my life, but I know, that in a not too distant future I would have the chance to study marine biology.

My best concert

 Well, i haven´t go to a many concerts in my life, but this one simply blowed my mind.  Firstly i have to say that i like a lot of diferent music genres, from salsa to electronic music, passing by funk and mexican music, this last one is going to be the centre of this blog because i am going to talk about the concert of one of the best exponent of rancheras nowdays. The 1 of july of 2021 i went to Movistar arena to saw Christian Nodal, it was one of the thinks that i wanted the most. Before i didn´t like the rancheras, but my cousin gave me that feeling of enjoying them so i was so excited to see Nodal singing in the arena, so much that i went alone to the show.  The concert was fantastic, it is better if you know the songs because rancheras are made to be sung, the lyrics has so much emotions and feelings that with any song you will feel identified. i was singing and screaming for hours hearing that man´s voice, it was something too emotional, in fact, i cried with one s...

Video 1

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhCWenH-Jhw Miss apriete en "leer más", ahí le saldrá el link en color. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hhCWenH-Jhw